Dr. Blackwell's BLOG

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Research/Polling Shows Changing Beliefs

Filed under: American Life and Society,GLBT Social Issues and Civil Rights,Politics — Dr. Christopher Blackwell @ 02:26

hrclogo.jpgThere’s probably no better state in the nation to gauge the current barometer of social conservativism in a large populace than Texas. The state which brought us the worst president in the history of the United States is staunchly Republican and highly conservative in their political ideology and voting behaviors. This is exactly why recent polls, indicating an increasing acceptance towards equality for gays and lesbians is so important in a more national context. In 1985, Houston’s business establishment and some of its leading politicians led a successful campaign to overturn its city ordinance that would have protected gay city employees from job discrimination. But now, 24 years later, according to the latest Houston Area Survey, fewer than half of Harris County residents believe homosexuality is morally wrong, 61% believe it’s an innate characteristic rather than a lifestyle choice, and 43% believe gay marriages should have the same legal status as heterosexual ones — up from 32% just two years ago.

Rice University Sociologist Dr. Stephen Klineberg conducts the annual survey. These data show that beliefs about homosexuality and gay and lesbian civil rights issues are changing, even in areas where social conservativism has long had a stronghold. Social science and even nursing-related research has long indicated gay peoples’ “coming out” and being open and honest with their friends, family, and coworkers as a main reason most are changing their viewpoints. The research in my Doctoral Dissertation showed a strong correlation between heterosexuals’ personal relationships with openly gay or lesbian persons and decreased levels of homophobia.  Perhaps summarized best by Houston gay rights activist Ray Hill, “It’s not about what they think about us, it’s about what we think about us. There is almost no reason in the world for anyone to be closeted any more.” (Source: chron.com)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Iowa Supreme Court Sides with Equality

Filed under: American Life and Society,GLBT Social Issues and Civil Rights — Dr. Christopher Blackwell @ 23:25

Today, the Iowa State Supreme Court ruled that outlawing gay and lesbian marriage was unconstitutional within the state. The ruling was unanimous. According to the Court:

“In a unanimous decision, the Iowa Supreme Court today held that the Iowa statute limiting civil marriage to a union between a man and a woman violates the equal protection clause of the Iowa Constitution.  The decision strikes the language from Iowa Code section 595.2 limiting civil marriage to a man and a woman.  It further directs that the remaining statutory language be interpreted and applied in a manner allowing gay and lesbian people full access to the institution of civil marriage.   Today’s ruling resolves an action brought by six same-sex couples who were refused marriage licenses by the Polk County Recorder.  Except for the statutory restriction that defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman, the twelve plaintiffs met the legal requirements to marry in Iowa. ”

Moron (and of course, Republican) representatives in Iowa now say they will fight the ruling by trying to pass a disgusting and bigoted anti-marriage amendment to the state’s Constitution similar to the one ignorant and bigoted Floridians passed back in November. But Democrat Matt McCoy (who is openly gay) said Iowa will not turn back the clock on civil rights for gay citizens and Democrats (who hold the majority in Iowa’s House and Senate) will fight the Republicans head-on to ensure equality for all Iowans remains. Here is McCoy’s video press release from today:

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Gainesville Says No to Discrimination

Filed under: American Life and Society,GLBT Social Issues and Civil Rights,Politics — Dr. Christopher Blackwell @ 02:57

hrclogo.jpgWhile news coming out of Gainesville tends to be related to the University of Florida or their beloved Gators (which everyone knows I am NOT a fan of), a heated battle over gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) equality was decided yesterday, with fairness and equality “coming out” on top! Right-wing conservative religious morons tried to repeal the city’s anti-discrimination policy protecting GLBT persons from discrimination in employment, public housing, and the use of public amenities by employing a hate-mongering campaign filled with blatant lies and ignorance that thankfully, the citizens of Gainesville saw through. 58% of voters voted to keep the policy in-place. This is a breath of fresh air given the disgusting anti-marriage amendment passed statewide last November. Education is so important and it can shine a light on hatred and bigotry. Good work by Equality Florida who worked hard to expose the lies and educate the public on why GLBT protections are so important in ending discrimination.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Update: Supreme Court Rules GSA MUST be Permitted

Filed under: GLBT Social Issues and Civil Rights — Dr. Christopher Blackwell @ 01:18

gsa.jpgA few weeks ago I reported on the case in which a Jacksonville high school was being sued by students and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) for refusing to allow the formation of a gay-straight alliance within the school. Thursday, Florida Supreme Court Judge Henry Adams ruled in-favor of the ACLU and the students, forcing the school district to ensure the students’ constitutional right to meet on-campus. Aren’t you glad we taxpayers got to foot the tens of thousands of dollars it cost to bring this case to court? I don’t know about you–but I am sick of my hard-earned tax money going to pay for stupidity, ignorance, and intolerance! We must demand better from all public officials, particularly our school districts which are so strapped for precious resources in this near-depression economy that students and teachers are having to make drastic sacrifices that have major impacts on the quality of education. Having to pay a costly bill defending behavior that is unacceptable is simply that–UNACCEPTABLE!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Florida Senator Working to End Gay Adoption Ban

Filed under: GLBT Social Issues and Civil Rights,Politics — Dr. Christopher Blackwell @ 01:49

nanrich.jpgFlorida State Senator Nan Rich, a Democrat (of course), is quietly introducing 2 bills which would end Florida’s ridiculous and discriminatory ban on adoptions by gay men and lesbians. While fundamental religious activists continue to claim gay and lesbian parents are not fit and are unstable to be parents, social science studies have all indicated gay men and lesbians are actually very good parents. Myths related to child molestation, increased likelihood of homosexuality in children, and higher levels of mental distress have all been debunked.

And major child welfare organizations like the National Association of Social Workers, National Association of Pediatrics, American Psychiatric Association, and American Psychological Association have all spoken-out in-favor of gay and lesbian adoptions and have published large numbers of position statements supporting removal of any barriers to allowing gay men and lesbians to become parents and/or adopt children. In addition, a Florida Supreme Court has ruled the ban unconstitutional but several religious organizations have been fighting the decision in court. If Nan Rich’s bills pass, then it won’t matter how the court eventually rules.

Incidentally, this ban is also quite expensive for Florida’s taxpayers, who are footing the bill for thousands of children who could be adopted into loving homes to remain in foster care. Read my comprehensive Cost/Benefit Analysis of Florida’s Ban on Gay Adoptions under the “Research” link (above).

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Message of Hope

Filed under: GLBT Social Issues and Civil Rights — Dr. Christopher Blackwell @ 19:39

The California Supreme Court will begin hearing arguments against California’s Proposition 8, which stripped gay and lesbian couples of the right to legally marry through a ballot initiative after the California Supreme Court deemed that unconstitutional. In response, Equality California has released the following public service announcement, which although being criticized for not being “angry enough,” makes a subtle impact depicting images of GLBT persecution throughout history, including a striking image of gay male Holocaust prisoners. Not many know that over 150,000 gay men were killed during the Holocaust through Hitler’s Paragraph 175, which proclaimed gay men as a threat to German society. Hitler also believed gay men were sterile and were therefore, of no use in construction of his “master race.” While we’ve certainly come far, we’re nowhere  near where we need to be…

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Intolerance is Awfully Costly to Taxpayers

Filed under: GLBT Social Issues and Civil Rights — Dr. Christopher Blackwell @ 05:35

Two Florida high schools in the Jacksonville-area are about ready to enter serious litigation after their school boards refused to allow students to form Gay-Straight Student Alliances (GSAs). GSAs exist to promote acceptance and tolerance among students and also serve as much-needed resources for gay and lesbian students who are dealing with issues related to their own sexual orientation. The ACLU has rightly brought-forth several lawsuits over the years against school boards for denying students the ability to form GSAs within their schools.

The vast majority of these cases have been won and taxpayers are left paying the costly bill resulting from officials’ ignorance and intolerance. The most recent case was in Okeechobee, FL. The ACLU successfully represented students who were denied their request to form a GSA within their school. The final ruling found schools must provide for the safety and well-being of gay and lesbian students and failure to allow the formation of GSAs is discrimination. That lawsuit cost Okeechobee Schools $327,000. In a time when our schools are struggling to meet the basic needs of students and the economy is in shambles, taxpayers can ill-afford to pay for these costly lawsuits that result from disgusting ignorance, intolerance, and discrimination.

Gay teens are at more risk for suicide than any other class of individual in America. It’s time taxpayers begin to stand-up against stupidity that not only costs quite a bit of money in a time where every penny is precious, but also perpetuates harm to a vulnerable group of people. Educate elected officials about intelligent decision-making and the costs we all have to pay when narrow-minded idiocy is selected over the right policy.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Penguins Enter Matrimony

Filed under: Animal Welfare,GLBT Social Issues and Civil Rights — Dr. Christopher Blackwell @ 00:56

penguins.jpgA multitude of studies indicating the genetic basis of homosexuality have indicated the existence of gay and lesbian animals in practically every species of the animal kingdom. Now, as a reward for being the most outstanding parents in the Polarland Zoo in northeast China, two gay male penguins have entered matrimony! The pair were married Tuesday in a special Chinese ceremony. One wore a tie and the other was dressed in a red blouse – a traditional Chinese bridal color – as they stepped into their icy wedding room to the music of the Wedding March.  “They have been a good couple and deserved their reward,” said their keeper. The penguins tried diligently to be fathers and kept stealing eggs from their female cohorts. Finally, veterinarians allowed the two to care for eggs rejected by their mothers. Upon hatching, the fathers immediately provided love and care for their children and became the best parents within the zoo. Congratulations to the happy couple. Science has shown strong evidence homosexuality is a trait largely inherited from genetics. Perhaps one day, our society will be educated enough to understand that and give gay and lesbian people the same rights as everyone else.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Abstinence Only Programs Cause Adverse Effects

Filed under: GLBT Social Issues and Civil Rights — Dr. Christopher Blackwell @ 04:33

abstinence.jpgA study released today appearing in the January issue of the research journal Pediatrics adds yet more evidence-based data refuting the use of abstinence-only programs to educate youth about sexual activities. The study found teens who pledge to remain virgins until marriage are just as likely to have premarital sex as those who do not. Perhaps even more alarming, teens who make “virginity pledges” are also significantly less likely to use condoms and other forms of birth control when they do have sex. Many studies have shown the ineffectiveness of these programs while none have supported their efficacy; they are also based completely on a heterosexual model of sexuality.

While gay males remain at highest risk of transmitting and contracting HIV, abstinence-only programs ignore homosexuality and instead base sexual relationships as the ultimate reward of marriage attainment. Since marriage is not possible for most gay couples (and most states now have discriminatory bans in place), homosexual activity is invalidated. This also highlights the moronic conservative ideology of only providing taxpayer funds to abstinence programs. 

This does nothing but lead to more social ills and problems, including increasing already high rates of teen pregnancy, sexually-transmitted infections, and HIV. Instead, sexual education programs should be comprehensive and include education about condom use, birth control, and homosexual activities. Plenty of research does support these programs as effective. Hopefully the intelligent and progressive incoming administration will reverse the federal regulations which mandate sole funding of abstinence programs put into place by the Bush Administration. It’s time for intelligence and reality to take the place of religious-fueled idiocy.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Research Links Gay Suicide to Parents’ Reaction

Filed under: GLBT Social Issues and Civil Rights — Dr. Christopher Blackwell @ 17:48

suicide1.jpgWhile plenty of epidemiologic data indicate gay youth have the highest suicide risk of any subset of the population, a new research study highlights the significant role parental reaction to their child’s sexual orientation has in encouraging suicide: “…the study showed that teens who experienced negative feedback were more than eight times as likely to have attempted suicide, nearly six times as vulnerable to severe depression and more than three times at risk of drug use. One of the most startling findings was that being forbidden to associate with gay peers was as damaging as being physically beaten or verbally abused by their parents in terms of negative feedback, [social worker Caitlin] Ryan said.”

In the two-part study, Ryan and her colleagues first interviewed 53 families with gay teenagers to identify 106 specific behaviors that could be considered ‘accepting’ or ‘rejecting.’ For example, blaming a youth for being bullied at school, shielding him from other relatives or belittling her appearance for not conforming to social expectations fell into the rejecting category. Next, they surveyed 224 white and Latino gay people between ages 21 and 25 to see which of the behaviors they had experienced growing up. The responses then were matched against the participants’ recent histories of severe depression, suicide attempts, substance abuse and unsafe sexual behavior. While the results might seem intuitive, Ryan said the study, funded by the California Endowment, was the first to establish a link between health problems in gay youths and their home environments.

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