Dr. Blackwell's BLOG

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Iraqi Journalist Shows His Gratitude

Filed under: Politics — Dr. Christopher Blackwell @ 20:56

bush.bmpAt a press conference in Iraq Sunday, outgoing President George W. Bush got a striking reminder of just how unpopular he is around the world when an Iraqi journalist removed both of his shoes and hurled them at Bush’s head. The man, identified as Muntadhar al-Zaidi, an Iraqi journalist with Egypt-based al-Baghdadia television network — could be heard yelling in Arabic: “This is a farewell … you dog!” The sentiments perhaps highlight what the vast majority of the world (including Americans) believe about Bush’s failed presidency and erred war in Iraq. But regardless, the actions of this man were deplorable and show a blatant disregard for whatever little positive effect the US presence in Iraq has provided. While most of the world is counting the minutes until he’s finally out of office, Iraqis should be at least a little grateful for the democracy America has provided their country. While the cost has been high to Iraq, it has also been high for the United States, who has sacrificed the lives of thousands of soldiers and paid the billions of dollars to bring freedom to their people. Bush’s failures have been painfully obvious; but the actions of this journalist are completely unacceptable.

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