Dr. Blackwell's BLOG

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Welcome Change!

Filed under: Politics — Dr. Christopher Blackwell @ 01:45

swornin.jpgIt was definitely a historic day today as the world said good-bye to the worst President in the history of the United States and welcomed-in a new era of hope. President Barack Obama was sworn-in today as the 44th President of the United States of America in-front of record crowds in the millions! Also a first for the country, when outgoing President Bush was announced, the crowd voiced their disproval with boos, hisses, and an overall negative reaction. Outgoing Vice President Dick Cheney, attending the ceremony via wheelchair, was met with the same reaction from the crowd of millions.

Obama inherits a country that is a complete mess thanks to failed policy and failed leadership from the Republican Party and George Bush. Thankfully, the Republicans have been reduced to a very small minority and should have a difficult time trying to impede the progress of the majority Democratic House and Senate and President Obama. The White House Web Site was also immediately changed to indicate strong support from President Obama for the rights of GLBT Americans.

You can review the official policy positions here: http://www.whitehouse.gov/agenda/civil_rights/. This comes after a Bush Presidency where among a multitude of other failures, a federal amendment to outlaw marriage rights for gay men and women was consistently thrusted down the throats of the American people. Thankfully, not only is Bush gone–but so are ALL of the Republicans who sponsored that disgusting and hateful piece of legislation, including the corrupt and moronic Republican Congressman Tom Feeney from my own district here in Oviedo! He has been replaced with Democrat Suzanne Kosmas! 

Welcome President Barack Obama. May God bless his Presidency and the United States of America as he works dilligently to repair the damage of the last 8 years.

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