Associated Press writers accompanied a group of paleontologists and other biological scientists into the “Creation Museum” in Petersburg, Kentucky this weekend to witness their reactions to the museum’s displays which provide a literal interpretation of “creationism” and a damning view of historical science, paleontology, and evolution. Staunch interpretation of creationism is actually not a view held by most mainstream Christian religions. Displays at the museum depict cave-dwelling children playing with dinosaurs, scientists contributing to the “moral destruction” of American society because of their support of evidence which strongly disputes creationist viewpoints, and non-factual information about the age of fossils and other artifacts which indicate the true age of the Earth.
Lisa Park of the University of Akron cried at one point as she walked a hallway full of flashing images of war, famine and natural disasters which the museum blames on belief in evolution. “I think it’s very bad science and even worse theology — and the theology is far more offensive to me,” said Park, a professor of paleontology who is an elder in the Presbyterian Church. “I think there’s a lot of focus on fear, and I don’t think that’s a very Christian message… I find it a malicious manipulation of the public.” I am always completely amazed by the ridiculous and frivilous beliefs of religious zealots, whether they be followers of Christianity, Islam, Scientology, or any other belief system. How is it that fear of death and the overwhelming weakness of a person’s character that requires him or her of the need to rely on a spiritual being or beings can allow any ounce of rationale thought to be discarded? The Creation Museum is perhaps the greatest display of ignorant dependency on the supernatural and irrationalism at its zenith. Perhaps even more sad is the thought of just how helpful the $20 million spent on this garbage “museum” could’ve gone to help people truly in need…What would Jesus do?
Pictured above: A cave-dwelling child plays near a dinosaur in one of the displays at the Creation Museum.