After laughing quite loudly the past few weeks at the ridiculous “I don’t want my child listening to President Obama” crybabies of the still pouting Republican Party, I was VERY pleased to see Democratic leaders finally calling out this “mock” controversy today for what it really is: Sour Racist Grapes! Complaints about the presidents speech are ridiculous according to School Board Member Bob Parks and the 150 Democrats who gathered Monday at Pompano Beach Community Park. Parks was blunt in his assessment of whats motivating the controversy. I believe a part of it is underlying racism, and of course the Republicans arent in power. In overwhelmingly Democratic Broward County, Parks said, there really isnt all that much public angst over the speech.
Parks, who represents a northeastern district, said hes received only about 15 critical e-mails. Echoing Parks in suggesting a racial element to the controversy was Michael Albetta, president of the Dolphin Democrats gay and lesbian political club. The racists are waking up and theyre finding out theres a black man in the White House and its not the butler, Albetta told the crowd. Broward Democratic Chairman Mitch Ceasar said he sees a different motive. I see this less as racism than an extreme power grab. This is all about trying to weaken our president to pick up more seats in the next congressional cycle by stirring the pot with fictional ingredients. With their “Tea Parties,” Townhall fiascos and other ridiculous antics, the Republicans continue to show their true ignorance and underlying motives…