Dr. Blackwell's BLOG

Monday, November 23, 2009

You’ve GOT to see This!

Filed under: Politics — Dr. Christopher Blackwell @ 18:20

I know most of us have experienced an overdose of stupidity from the Republicans over the years, but this is a MUST SEE! As I am sure you’re probably aware, the sharp and highly-intelligent (former) Alaskan Governor and failed Vice President nominee Sarah Palin has been stomping across the United States promoting the sale of her new book Going Rogue. While political scientists and researchers are having a field day exposing all of the gross exaggerations and outright fallacies in the book, the blind faithful are showing up in-support of their dolt. Below, documentarian Chase Whiteside plays it VERY smart by avoiding any type of confrontation with supporters by simply interviewing them on the “issues.” What on folds is a laughable and good ‘ole teabagging time as essentially NONE of them can give any supportive evidence on what makes Sarah Palin so great or their anti-Obama sentiments factual! While ignorance is a conservative’s wet dream, let’s hope the Republicans do elect Palin as their candidate! It will make our jobs as Democrats getting our President re-elected MUCH easier! Take a look. WARNING: You may have to pause the video to rest the laughter muscles in your face!

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