A Whitehaven Veterinarian is working to save a dog’s life, after the dog was thrown from a speeding truck on I-40 in Memphis, Tennessee during rush hour Monday. Dr. Greg Shaw was cautiously optimistic late Monday night that the dog, nicknamed Savior, would survive. But Savior is certainly not out of the woods. She not only suffered injures from being thrown from the moving vehicle, she also appears to have bite marks from being used in fights.
Mario Chiozza was driving along I-40 East of Sycamore View when he saw someone throw the dog from a white pick-up truck. He says the dog was thrown in the middle lane, but she managed to run over to the side of the interstate. Chiozza just so happens to be a strong animal advocate and rescue worker. He also happened to have a catch pole in his truck. He used it to catch Savior. Another driver, and off-duty deputy, stopped to help Chiozza load the dog into the back of his truck.
He knew he didn’t have much time, so he rushed Savior to Pets Choice Animal Clinic on Shelby Drive in Whitehaven. Dr. Shaw immediately stated working to save her life. Chiozza is hoping someone else may have witnessed the incident, and caught the license plate of the White Ford Pick-Up involved. “I know one thing, we’re going to need help. This baby’s going to need help,” he says. If you have info on the incident, call CrimeStoppers @ (901) 528-CASH.
If you would like to help with Savior’s medical needs, you can call Pets Choice Animal Clinic at (901) 881-6212, or email shawvet@gmail.com. Hopefully, someone will come forward with the identity of this despicable excuse of a human so he can be prosecuted to the FULLEST extent of the law!