On Wednesday night, President Barack Obama “knocked one out of the park” in what many are calling a “home run” State of the Union Address. In his first Union Address, President Obama discussed some of this successes and setbacks of his administration in his first year as President. Perhaps more importantly, he also outlined some specific plans to stimulate America’s Bush/Republican-ravaged economy and lower the $3 trillion deficit he inherited from Bush when he took office. A salient point the President made was the need for bipartisanship to make forward-progress. He also promised to take action on the military’s discriminatory ban on allowing openly gay servicemen and women to serve in our nation’s armed forces.
The nation agrees. Polling data released by CNN right after the State of the Union Address indicates a positive perception. 78% of participants indicated an overall “Very Positive” or “Positive” reaction to President Obama’s Address. 71% also reported they believed the policies being proposed by President Obama “will move the country in the right direction.” 66% indicated a level of confidence for President Obama’s abilities to carry-out his duties. And 67% believed President Obama’s plans will “improve the economy.”
Personally, the two pieces of legislation I am most proud of President Obama signing into law thus far are the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act, which included sexual orientation and gender identity in federal intervention in the investigation and prosecution of hate crimes, and The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which provides $237 billion in individual tax cuts over the next few years where America needs it the most–the Middle Class . Congratulations to President Obama on his successful State of the Union Address. Let’s hope the Republicans and Democrats can somehow come together to bring America the progress it so desperately needs. With the addition of a Republican to the Senate, the mandate to work together has never been stronger. Below, watch President Obama pledge to repeal the discriminatory “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy: