Despite the fact the most reputable healthcare organizations within the United States have endorsed the Healthcare Reform Bill coming up for a vote in the House of Representatives on Sunday, the ignorant contiue to spew their stupidity and Faux News talking points trying to scare policymakers into voting against the measure. The Healthcare Reform Bill is endorsed by the American Nurses Association (the professional organization representing the nation’s nursing workforce), the American Medical Association (the professional organization representing the nation’s physician workforce), the American Hospital Association (the professional organization representing the nation’s public, for-profit, and non-profit hospitals), the American Association of Social Workers (the professional organization representing the nation’s social workers), and the American Association of Retired Persons (the national advocacy group representing the nation’s senior citizens).
Ironically, regardless of the hard work and research these groups have put into their analyses of the Bill, conservative dolts who know absolutely nothing about healthcare are causing a debate when there should be none to begin with. Below, watch the responses given to simple questions posed by a journalism student to “Tea Baggers” lobbying in Washington, DC to defeat the Healthcare Reform Bill. Besides false and inflammatory talking points from Faux News and the brainless Glenn Beck, none are able to articulate a single specific point from the Bill. Going into this weekend, I encourage you to contact your Representative to show you stand behind our nation’s health experts and realize just how salient passing this Bill truly is. I have sent several letters of support to my Congresswoman Suzanne Kosmas. She indicated today that she will vote “Yes” on Healthcare Reform! For the sake of our nation and our nation’s healthcare system, this Bill is a must!