Despite the criticisms that President Barack Obama and the Democratic-controlled House and Senate have failed to deliver on promises to repeal the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) policy which prohibits open gay men and lesbians from serving in the United States military (and discharges those who “come out” during service), there is movement today that the White House and lawmakers are ready to move forward. 70% of Americans believe gay and lesbian soldiers should be permitted military service (even if they are open about their sexuality) and both Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Adm. Mike Mullen fully support repeal of the ban. Currently, the Pentagon is working on a study to be completed in December outlining how the ban should be lifted and a new policy be implemented. The new proposal would stipulate the change in the upcoming defense authorization spending bill while also permitting completion of the study prior to implementation. In comparison, the process of racial integration of troops took 5 years to complete.