Dr. Blackwell’s original article, “COVID-19 Vaccination in Adults Living with HIV” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, considered the premier academic journal for the nurse practitioner profession. The article is co-authored by Blackwell’s frequent collaborator and physician Dr. Humberto Lopez-Castillo and provides crucial information for NPs and other clinical providers on the implications of prescribing the COVID-19 vaccination in the population of adults with HV. The abstract appears below:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended use of vaccines manufactured by Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson/Janssen to prevent COVID-19 infection in the United States. While these vaccines are safe and have been administered to millions of persons nationwide, special populations warrant closer focus. Adults living with HIV may have specific clinical considerations that should be acknowledged when making COVID-19 vaccination prescribing decisions. This article discusses these practice considerations and provides clinical and additional guidance for nurse practitioners and other clinicians responsible for prescribing COVID-19 vaccines in adults living with HIV.