Dr. Blackwell's BLOG

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

UCF College of Nursing BSN Program Ranks in Top 30 in the US

Filed under: Nursing Education and Profession,UCF News and Event — Dr. Christopher Blackwell @ 17:26

HUGE congratulations to the University of Central Florida College of Nursing! The College’s BSN program was just ranked in the Top 30 for public universities in the United States by US News & World Report.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Dr. Blackwell Publishing Multiple Upcoming Original Manuscripts in the Journal for Nurse Practitioners

Filed under: Nursing Education and Profession,Nursing Science — Dr. Christopher Blackwell @ 02:37

Dr. Blackwell has 3 upcoming articles that will be published in JNP–The Journal for Nurse Practitioners. The first article is an editorial that marks the end of Dr. Blackwell’s year-long work as the guest editor for the journal’s special issue on acute care (https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/the-journal-for-nurse-practitioners/special-issue/10FBVLB01WJ). Entitled, “Nurse Practitioners in Acute Care: Make a Commitment to Excellence!,” the editorial focuses on some of the educational and certification disparities in nurse practitioners (NPs) working in acute care settings, and encourages non-acute care certified NPs to enhance their clinical knowledge and expertise by ensuring they’re properly educated and credentialed.

The second article provides a critical clinical update to an earlier 2024 article Dr. Blackwell published on CDC isolation directives for patients exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus (http://drchristopherblackwell.com/documents/1-s2.0-S1555415524000382-main.pdf). The article, “Policy Update: CDC Isolation Directives for Patients Exposed to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2” updates clinicians on the very recent changes to CDC isolation procedures for these persons. The abstract is as follow:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently updated its recommendations on isolation procedures for patients exposed to SARS-CoV-2. Updated directives are based on symptoms and febrile status. Specifically, patients should remain at home and avoid others until their symptoms are overall improving and they have been afebrile for at least 24 hours without use of antipyretics. After isolating, additional precautions should be observed for five days. Further considerations may be necessary for higher-risk patient populations. This article is a short policy brief update that supplements a recent 2024 article published by Blackwell in The Journal for Nurse Practitioners.

The final article, “Scaffolding Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Program Outcomes through Simulation” explores the role simulation has in AGACNP curricula designed around learner exposure to higher patient acuity levels through programmatic progression. Dr. Blackwell is second author behind fellow UCF AGACNP Faculty colleague Dr. Frank Guido-Sanz. Other members of the research team behind the work included Drs. Mindi Anderson, Desiree Diaz, and Steven Talbert. The abstract for this article appears below:

Simulation-based education (SBE), incorporating the scaffolding and augmented/virtual reality experiences, is noteworthy for meeting the outcomes of adult-gerontology acute care nurse practitioner (AGACNP) education. Faculty in AGACNP programs must have a strong understanding of the pedagogy associated with the use of simulation in advanced practice nursing education. When designing and implementing simulation experiences for learners, faculty must consider their progression in increasing and building upon knowledge and skills through the AGACNP curriculum. This article discusses effective strategies for faculty to use a scaffolding approach when designing and implementing SBEs. Specific SBE experience exemplars will be discussed.

Once these articles are published, readers will be able to find them by clicking the “Research” tab at the top of Dr. Blackwell’s professional Web site (http://drchristopherblackwell.com). The Web site, including the Research page and links, are updated in late May, August, and December.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Learn with Dr. Blackwell at the 2024 AANP Conference!

Filed under: Nursing Education and Profession — Dr. Christopher Blackwell @ 13:25

Dr. Blackwell will be presenting two sessions @ the 2024 AANP Conference in Nashville this year! Both are on Wednesday (6/26). First, from 1100-1200, learn about Malpractice Trends and Issues for NPs in Acute Care by registering for Session #24.2.048. Then, from 1330-1430, join Dr. Blackwell to learn about Preventing HIV in 2024: Pharmacologic and Non-Pharmacologic Strategies by registering for Session # 24.2.079. See you there!

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Dr. Blackwell to Receive Award Recognizing Outstanding Achievements in Research

Filed under: Nursing Education and Profession — Dr. Christopher Blackwell @ 01:14

Dr. Christopher Blackwell is the recipient of the Research Incentive Award (RIA) from the College of Nursing at the University of Central Florida (UCF) for the 2023-2024 Academic Year. According to UCF Faculty Excellence, which oversees and manages the RIA Program:

The UCF In-Unit Research Incentive Award (RIA) program recognizes outstanding research, scholarly, or creative activity that advances the body of knowledge in a particular field, including interdisciplinary research and collaborations.  The Research Incentive award recognizes in-unit employee contributions to UCF’s key goal of achieving international prominence in research and creative activities.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Dr. Blackwell Participates in 2023 ANCC AGACNP Board Certification Item Writing Retreat

Filed under: Nursing Education and Profession — Dr. Christopher Blackwell @ 01:05

Dr. Blackwell spent several days in Arlington, Virginia last week completing work related to his appointment to the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s (ANCC) Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AGACNP)Board Certification Examination Item Writing Panel. The retreat took place at Convene in the Pentagon City neighborhood and included item writing panels for all 17 of ANCC’s Board-Certification specialty exams.

Participating with Dr. Blackwell were clinicians and Faculty from Vanderbilt, UCF (Blackwell), Virginia, Emory, and NY Touro University. The panelists are pictured below. The items written by the panel will now be reviewed by ANCC’s psychometrics experts and the AGACNP Content Expert Panel before being finalized for placement on the AGACNP exam as “Pretest Items.” Items that score well statistically during this phase are eventually added to the AGACNP Board Certification Examination and/or the exam’s test bank.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Dr. Blackwell Featured Guest on Care to Lead Podcast

Filed under: Nursing Education and Profession — Dr. Christopher Blackwell @ 03:18

Dr. Blackwell was a recent featured guest on the Care to Lead Podcast, by Vizient. Care to Lead features key interviews with nursing leaders across a variety of settings and industries who share their candid stories, how they help spur nursing innovation in their respective fields, and what nurses in any stage of their career can do to shape the present and future of nursing. The podcast is hosted by Dr. Barbara Seymour and sponsored by the Vizient Chief Nurse Executives Network. Take a listen to the episode by following the URL below. Note, to access the link, open it in a new window by right clicking for that option or copy + paste into your browser:


Thursday, September 30, 2021

Dr. Blackwell Elected to the NLN CNE Board of Commissioners

Filed under: Nursing Education and Profession — Dr. Christopher Blackwell @ 11:44

Dr. Christopher Blackwell has won national election to the Board of Commissioners for the National League for Nursing Certified Nurse Educator program. He recently served on the Board as an appointed member from 2018-2020. His election secures him a seat on the Board through 2024.

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